C&C Hose And Fittings Industrial Supply
Toronto Ontario Canada
(416) 439-2315
Hy-Lok Ordering Instructions

Hy-Lok double ferrule compression
tube fittings provide leak-free performance for the most demanding
Their tube fittings are commonly used throughout the oil and gas,
pulp & paper, petrol-chemical/chemical processing,
research laboratories, aerospace and defense, chemical processing,
power generation, cryogenic and semiconductor,
shipbuilding and heavy industrial industries. Hy-Lok
tube fittings are available in a variety of configurations and
sizes that fulfill the need for leak-free gas and fluid
containment. These fittings are built for low torque
assembly, have a positive leak-free seal, and come in a
variety of sizes and materials to match
your project’s exact specifications.
• Low torque assembly
• Positive leak free seal
assembly and reassembly
• Standard materials include
316 stainless steel, brass and Monel; others available upon request
• Heat code traceability for
316 stainless steel and Alloy 400
• Size range from 1/16" thru 2"
(2mm thru 38mm O.D.tubing)
• Variety of end connections
and patterns.
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